Child and Youth Protection

Report Child Abuse or Neglect

To report suspected abuse of a minor within the home or by a Licensed Daycare Staff, call:

  1. LA Dept. of Children & Family Service (1-855-452-5437) 1-855-4LA-KIDS

    To report abuse of a minor that is outside the home, contact:

  2. St. Mary Parish Law Enforcement: (337) 828-1960

    If the child fears going home or you feel there is clear and imminent danger, DO NOT contact the child’s family. Contact law enforcement. 


    If you suspect abuse of a minor by clergy, church officials, church employees or volunteers, please ALSO contact the Victims Assistance Coordinator AFTER contacting law enforcement.

    Outreach line(985) 873-0026 

    Victims’ Assistance Coordinator (985) 850-3172


The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is committed to ensuring that anyone participating in church/school activities sponsored in our diocese can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. in an effort to fulfill this commitment, all employees and volunteers of the diocese and any independent contract workers shall recieve Safe Enviornmet Training.

To begin your Safe Environment Training, visit our online Safe Environment Training website:

Safe Environment Website