Liturgical Ministries


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

The administration of Holy Communion at Mass is an important liturgical ministry in our parish. In addition to bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion witness to the faith in the real presence of Christ by their actions and by the dignity and reverence with which they treat the Body of Christ.

Extraordinary ministers in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux are certified for a period of five years. Certification ends December 31 in years ending in 4 and 9. If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister or recertifying, online training can be found by clicking the button below. The training consists of four videos and a Parish Packet. Once you have submitted your completion to the diocese, Holy Cross will be notified of your certification as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.


Music Ministry

Music ministers provide music and song at masses, whether as vocalists, choir members, or musicians. According to Pope Pius XII, “Music is among the many and great gifts of nature with which God, in Whom is the harmony of the most perfect concord and the most perfect order, has enriched men, whom He has created in His image and likeness. Together with the other liberal arts, music contributes to spiritual joy and the delight of the soul” (Musicae Sacrae, §4).


For more information, contact Rose Hale at


Lectors & Commentators

We are privileged to hear God speaking directly to us in the celebration of the Mass through his holy word. The Old Testament brings us back to our Jewish roots, and shows us how Christ is the fulfillment of the faith. The New Testament teaches us how to fervently live as Christians in the world. Lectors read the mass readings and Commentators announce the welcome, petitions, and mass announcements. Although many lectors and commentators are also certified as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, it is not a requirement.

For more information, contact the church office:

Mary Guidry | 985-384-3551


Altar Servers

Altar Servers attend to supporting tasks at the altar, such as receiving and carrying vessels, ringing the altar bell, and assisting the priest. Any boy or girl who has made his or her First Communion can be trained as an altar server. Altar serving is a wonderful opportunity especially for those young men who are contemplating a call to the priesthood; such a service prepares their hearts for a life given at the altar in charity. Girls and women are also welcome to serve at the altar in order to grow in their relationship with Jesus the Bridegroom.


For more information, contact:

Dwayne Barbier | Coordinator and Trainer of Altar Servers


Altar Society

Information coming soon!



Sacristans help set up for mass and prepare all the “behind the scenes” things that need to be ready for the community to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. It is the prayerful and careful work of the Sacristan which allows for the celebration of the Mass to work smoothly, as they ensure that every aspect of the pinnacle action of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, is prepared.


For more information, contact:

Alicia Robicheaux | Head Sacristan



Acolytes assist priests at religious services, prepare the altar and the sacred vessels, and, if necessary, serve as a Eucharistic Minister. These are men who are trained and commissioned by the bishop in order to serve in their role at the altar. Holy Cross is blessed to have three acolytes: Dwayne Barbier, Greg Brown, and Nathan Rhodes.

If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, consider contacting the Chancery to inquire further by clicking the button below.



Ushers greet people as they enter church, pass collection baskets, ask parishioners to bring up offertory gifts, and handle mass counts. Ushers are some of the first faces that people see upon entering our parish, and so are called to be the face of Christ in a particular way.

For more information, contact:

Mary Guidry at Church Office 985-384-3551


Bereavement Ministry | Funeral Planning

Bereavement Ministry members work together to provide comfort and support to grieving families whose funeral masses are celebrated in our church. Members of this ministry are familiar with the planning process of funerals by being acquainted with the Order of Christian Funerals and the Rite of Committal with Final Commendation (Burial Rites). In doing so, they provide a sense of security and ease for those who still mourn their loved ones. If you need to plan a funeral or burial for a loved one, please click HERE.

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For more information, contact Kellye Jo Patterson