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Confirmation, together with Baptism and Eucharist, form the Sacraments of Initiation that are all intimately connected. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and becomes a soldier for Christ. Our baptismal promises are renewed, and we go forth proclaiming the Gospel by our lives. 

If you are interested in being Confirmed, or if you're interested in having your teenager confirmed, we're ready to start a life-changing process of joy and formation. 

Teenagers requesting Confirmation must engage consistently in parish Youth Formation [insert link] during at least their sophomore and junior years of high school.

A confirmation sponsor must be a Confirmed and practicing Catholic at least sixteen years of age, living a devout Catholic life, and must have already been confirmed themselves.


For Teenagers:

Kellye Jo Patterson


For Adults:

Colleen Hunter